The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series Savefile: Season 1 to 3

Since many old TWD save files are incompatible with the TWD Definitive Series, the author “Wolfix325” played through the game from start to finish and uploaded the save file to help other players. (A very detailed content overview can be found in the text below.)

Uploaded in April 2023



The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Save – Completed the Game [PC]

Author: Wolfix325

OS: Windows


1 season

In the dialogues, Lee taught Clementine the most important thing in the current situation – survival, not forgetting that she is a little girl

Episode 1:

  • Gone in the afternoon
  • Saved Sean
  • Supported Kenny
  • Trusted Carly
  • Gave a gun to a girl

Episode 2:

  • I didn’t cut my leg (why torture if you die anyway)
  • Gave food to Clem, Duck, Lily, Kenny
  • Didn’t shoot Jolene
  • Tried to save Larry with Lily
  • Clem didn’t eat human flesh
  • Didn’t kill both brothers
  • Picked up supplies (Clem said that we are not bandits, just for the sake of survival)

Episode 3

  • Told everyone about my past
  • Defended Carly, suspected Ben( Knew 🙂 )
  • Left Lily on the road
  • Told Clem to go his own way
  • Got into a fight with Kenny on the train
  • Duck killed Kenny
  • Omid was the first to save (the forehead has a leg lol)

Episode 4:

  • Killed an infected child
  • Took Clem to Crawford
  • Supported Ben (Just for a happy ending, by God)
  • Saved Ben
  • Showed bite
  • Everyone went with Lee

Episode 5:

  • Lee cut off his hand
  • Put everything on the table, was honest
  • Clem killed the crazy one by herself.( Good girl ❤ )
  • Clem saved Lee from the transformation
Season 2

Clem must learn to trust the right people and keep the rest at gunpoint.

Episode 1:

  • Distracted the bandits from Krista
  • Killed the dog
  • What a bitch Rebecca!
  • Accepted Nick’s apology (Chel at least knows how to apologize)
  • Gave water to the bandit
  • Helped Nick (Twice, convincing him to act)

(Tried to be friends with Sarah, but did not extend the little finger)

Episode 2:

  • Taught Sarah how to defend herself
  • Hugs Kenny
  • Dinner with Kenny’s band
  • Told the truth about Nick killing Matthew on the bridge
  • Said that Nick is good
  • Surrendered, Saved Alvin

Episode 3:

  • Helped Sarah get the job done
  • Didn’t tell Bonnie about Luke (0 trusts, set everyone up)
  • Tried to say that he stole a walkie-talkie
  • Watched Carver Kill
  • Killed a walker instead of cutting off Sarite’s hand

Episode 4:

  • Saved Sarah in the trailer
  • Arvo did not touch the bag (But what the hell did the Russians attack anyway? )
  • Shoot Rebecca during the skirmish

Episode 5:

  • Saved a child during a shooting
  • Tried to save Luke
  • Didn’t try to go with the Traitors, but gave the gun away
  • Arvo Asshole, but I defended him
  • He defended Kenny in every possible way in a conversation.
  • Let Kenny beat Jane
  • Went with Kenny
  • Abandoned Wellington to wander with Kenny
  • Kenny Best
Season 3

“Binding Ties, Part 1”

  • Took my brother’s hand
  • I decided that I needed to continue on the road
  • Did not shoot the driver after the accident
  • Covered by Clem. (In the rest of the game he was always on her side, including dialogues)
  • Went after the family with Tripp
  • Left with Clementine to shoot the bandits

“Binding Ties, Part 2”

  • He remained silent in a quarrel with his brother and Kate at home
  • Surrendered to the bandos at Presscot (I wanted to save the hostage)
  • I trusted Jesus (sounds strange)
  • Killed Conrad (Grandfather went with a roof)
  • He laid down his weapons at the gate but did not lower Kate to the ground.

“Above the Law”

  • Didn’t talk about Mariana
  • Made an injection to AJ
  • Say goodbye to AJ
  • Left Badger to turn
  • Spared Max and took with him
  • Stick to David’s plan

“Thicker than Water”

  • Promised Brother to help Kate
  • Helped Doctor Lingard commit suicide
  • I didn’t share my feelings with Kate (It’s not about David, I just don’t like her, she always whines, doesn’t help in the right situations, and also doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut when necessary.)
  • Tried to save Ava after Eleanor’s betrayal and Tripp’s run-in, but caught a surprise
  • Shot at Joan (Still not sure if it’s the right choice)

“From the Gallows”

  • Got up on the roof with David
  • He philosophized with him about the fact that he did not need to change. The main thing is to be yourself, and not adapt to other friends
  • Denied a relationship with Kate, but according to the script, I still need to break the fuck, right, David?
  • He kept his promises and did not beat his brother, although in real life after the first such blow with a wrench, you can drive off, well, it doesn’t matter
  • Clem decided to go with me, and I decided to go after my brother and Gabe
  • Saved both
  • Convinced my brother to stay
  • Kate died. ( F )
  • Relinquished control of the city, in favor of wandering

Let’s summarize the results:

  • You and David: Your relationship can be called Fraternal
  • You and Kate: Your relationship can be called aloof
  • You and Gabe: Your relationship can be called Tactful

  • Told Clem that she should bring AJ back.


Move files from the replacement folder to “C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series”.

File Size: 8.02 MB

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