The House of Da Vinci 3 Save File: 100% Completed

Today, we bring you a save file for The House of Da Vinci 3, which is a 100% completed save. If you want to skip the tedious process and directly access a completed version of the game, then download it now!

Uploaded in May 2023


The House of Da Vinci 3 Finished Version Save [PC]


OS: Windows

Game description:

You will again become Giacomo, a student of the great master of sciences and arts, in order to explore the world of the Renaissance filled with mysteries for the last time, find mysterious messages and discover mechanical wonders. Uncover plots involving the most powerful people in Italy, and travel not only in space but also in time. Meet old and new friends and enemies. Become a major part of a plan that can change history forever.


  • Game completed 100%. In terms of plot, I didn’t collect one note from the collections in the photo from the diary in chapter 8. The passage takes from 3 to 11 hours.

How to Install:

C:\Users\WEST\AppData\LocalLow\Blue Brain Games\The House of da Vinci 3 with file replacement.

File Size: 125.1 KB

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