Get all 13 bugged achievements.
File to Download
Author: Chayoneko
Download Link:

How to Do?
The achievement A-I and Gamepad 1-4 are bugged as on 2023-12-26. This guide shows how to get the 13 bugged achievement.
- Download the Assembly-CSharp file above.
- Go to the game directory: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Streaming Girls [18+] – OnlyFap ●LIVE\StreamerGirls_Data\Managed .
- Replace the original Assembly-CSharp.dll with the downloaded version.
- Now run the game. Achievements A-D and Gamepad 1-4 should pop up when you start each of the first 4 levels, and achievement E-I with the next 5 levels.
What Changed?
The developer seems to have used wrong achievement names. The achievement IDs are all two digits names, such as level_01, while in the game code names with single digit (level_1) are used.
The Gamepad 1-4 achievements have id of level 31-34. I have no idea where they should go. Perhaps they were designed for the endless mode. I decided to put them to level 1-4 (along with achievement A-D) for simplicity.
How to Revert?
I don’t think there is any need to revert. But in case anyone wants to do that, the simplest way to revert is to right click on the game itself in your steam library, and select Properties… -> Installed Files -> Verify integrity of game files .