Shift Happens 100% Save: ALL Coins & ALL Speedruns

Save file with 100% completion. Simply replay one level to trigger achievements.


Save Happens

Author: Lord Of War

Back up your own save files first!
1) They can be found at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\Steam_Number\359840\remote2) Download my files from

Inside you’ll find these:

3) Disable Steam Cloud sync!

Scenario 1: 100%

Move a save file from 100% folder and start the game.
You can check my statistics – 100% in both singleplayer and multiplayer:

Simply replay very first level and collect all its coins. This should trigger these two:

Beat that Shift!
Finish ALL levels with 75 coins and Bonus Object [Singleplayer]

You did it!
Finish all levels (including bonuslevels) [Singleplayer]

Then replay with time challenge enabled (it’s 14seconds or smth). Winning it should trigger another trophy:

Retry, retry … and retry
Beat the timechallenge in all levels [Singleplayer]

Scenario 2: 99%

If scenario 1 didn’t work, don’t panic! I made back ups before beating last levels.
for ALL coins – finish 4th bonus level (bottom right corner), which is very simple.

for all speedruns – beat 302, which is only 1m30s long and fairy easy too.

Just move a save file from either folder and beat required objective. Good luck. 🙂

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