Rogue Glitch Ultra: Experimental Savegame Upgrade

I made an experimental tool to upgrade legacy savegames to ultra


Savegame Upgrade

With the release of ULTRA the game progress got reset as the savegames are not compatible.
While this is not something I personaly mind, some people would have liked to carry there progress forward.I had a look at the inside and it turns out that the savegames are very similar, so I hacked together a converter utility.Disclaimer:
While the game loads the converted savegame and I did not see any obvious issues while completing 2 full runs, this does not mean that there are no issues with this approach.
Also please dont report any bugs that could be related to the converte save, if you decide to use it.

Anyway, if you are feeling adventurous, here’s the link to the janky web app:

Let me know if this is useful to you, so I know if I should spend more time on this

Savegame Locations

The old savegame can be found in the games installation folder:


The new save is stored at

%localappdata%low\LinosGames\Rogue Glitch Ultra

By StillGreen-san

More Saves:

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