Returnal Two Saves: Citadel & Flipper

Returnal is a roguelike game released in 2021. here are two saves with different progress. here are the details about the save games below.

Uploaded in May 2023



Returnal Saves – citadel Before the Boss / Before the Last Boss [PC]

Author: X Ray01

OS: Windows


Saves for easier passage, both open all the main story items: a hook, boots for swimming underwater, etc. which will simplify the passage from scratch without using cheats and will allow you to collect more loot in inaccessible rooms right away. You can die and start again with all the tools.

  • 1 save in the citadel shortly before the boss, before changing the world (such as a checkpoint)
  • 2 saves before the last boss (the checkpoint after death will already be in another world)


Throw the SaveGames folder along the path “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Returnal\Steam\Saved” with the replacement

File Size: 201.55 KB

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