RAILGRADE: How to Restore Your Save after Pressing New Game

Occasionally a misfortunate soul wipes his save since there are no profiles or backup folder/files in %localappdata%. But there’s a way to restore progress.


New Game

See this bad boy?


Can you believe the dev specifically implemented the Konami Code due to user oopsies?

Konami Code

Enter the Konami Code on the main menu:

For PC

For Nintendo Switch

You will see this.

I have to play the first tutorial level again?? This may give you a heart attack, but afterward you will return to the overworld with all regions/vouchers you have reached. Your times are not saved though.

I implemented the Konami code in as stable and robust way possible. Which does mean it lacks a custom code path for the restore process. Hence it does not directly send you to the Overworld. Although maybe I should add that.

*NOTE: You’re screwed if you manually deleted C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Railgrade\Saved but that would be pretty much your fault. Do backup your folders if you’re making pseudo profiles (by renaming folder) like me.

Future Plans

Multiple save slots will be coming with sandbox mode in a future update.

More Saves:

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