Prodeus: How to Get “Kill 10000 Enemies” by Editing Files

For those seeking to conquer the final challenge in Prodeus without the tedium of replaying levels ad nauseam, this guide offers a streamlined approach to achieving the “Kill 10000 Enemies” achievement. This method promises to save you hours of gameplay while ensuring you claim this elusive accolade.



The achievement in question requires players to eliminate a staggering 10,000 enemies throughout the game. While this may seem daunting, TheGhostik’s guide provides a shortcut that circumvents the need for repetitive level grinding.


File Editing

Locate your files in:

There should be 2 files in the folder
(not sure if you need to edit the _backup as well but I did, you can also create a copy of these 2 before editing as your own backup just in case)

Go ahead and open the files in Notepad

Edit the Stat_Kills= to 9999 or whatever you want, but it has to be under 10 000 to trigger the achievement

Save the files

Start the game on any level and get the remaining kills to trigger the achievement.

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