My Summer Car Save Game: Satsuma Semi Stock

Here’s a car with the keys inside, but do you find a single car too monotonous? No need to worry, as there are various car bodies for all vehicles available for players to choose from at their leisure.

Uploaded in April 2023



My Summer Car Save Game for Satsuma Semi Stock [PC]

Author: Angry Cat Vasya

OS: Windows



There is a key to the van, there is no food, the mechanic has all the car bodies, there is no computer, and the kettle is a mug at home.


  1. Press the key combination Win+R
  2. Enter in the field: AppData and press Enter
  3. Go to the LocalLow folder and then to Amistech.
  4. The contents of the archive are transferred to this folder.
  5. Ready

File Size: 50.03 MB

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