My Summer Car: Save Game for Quest

My Summer Car is the ultimate car owning, building, fixing, tuning, maintenance, AND permadeath life survival simulator. In the game, you need to assemble hundreds of parts and car engines. During the game, your car was stolen and you need to find and repair it, this save file will let you complete this quest quickly.

Uploaded in March 2023


My Summer Car Save for Quest – Find the Stolen Car [PC]


Author: Никита куча

OS: Windows


Not long ago you bought a car but when you were asleep it was stolen your task is to find the car and fix it.

Save File Location:

  • \AppData\LocalLow\Amistech folder.

File Size: 715.85 KB

Download Link:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the point of My Summer Car?

My Summer Car is a realistic car building, fixing, tuning, maintenance, and perma-death survival simulator developed by Amistech. 

How long is an hour in My Summer Car?

The time in the game is about 12 times the reality, so an hour is about five minutes.

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