My Summer Car Save File: Satsuma not assembled

This save file features an unassembled Satsuma, as the author believes some players may want to customize it according to their preferences. Of course, the save file also includes other elements, such as a house, car keys, and an abundance of food and drinks. Detailed download and usage instructions can be found below.

Uploaded in April 2023



My Summer Car Save – There are keys to Gifu and Haysiko [PC]

Author: No name 01

OS: Windows


Description: There are keys to Gifu and Haysiko, a house was won from a pig and car keys, a lot of food, a lot of alcohol, and a computer was bought.

How to install:

  1. Press the key combination Win+R
  2. Enter in the field: AppData and press Enter
  3. Go to the LocalLow folder and then to Amistech.
  4. The contents of the archive are transferred to this folder.
  5. Ready

File Size: 707.36 KB

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