My Summer Car Save File: Full House of Food

Most save files for My Summer Car focus on the vehicles, making this particular save file quite unique. With this save file, your game will feature a house filled with food, providing a distinct experience. Give it a try by downloading it today!

Uploaded in March 2023



My Summer Car Save – Plot is not touched, but there was another surprise [PC]

Author: My Summer Carrrrrr

OS: Windows


Plot: The plot is not touched, 3 tasks are taken


  • Computer bought
  • All tuning in the garage


  1. Press the key combination Win+R
  2. Enter in the field: AppData and press Enter
  3. Go to the LocalLow folder and then to Amistech.
  4. The contents of the archive are transferred to this folder.
  5. Ready

File Size: 722.4 KB

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