Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Save for John Shepard Walkthrough

Greetings fellow gamers! Today, I’m excited to share with you my personal save game for the epic space-faring adventure, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. This remarkable trilogy, developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts, has been hailed as one of the greatest RPGs of all time, and I couldn’t agree more. Now, you have the opportunity to experience the entire trilogy with my meticulously crafted save game that takes you on a thrilling journey through the galaxy as Commander Shepard.

Uploaded in August 2023


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition: Save – John Shepard Walkthrough [PC]

Author: Axapyc

Features: Complete step-by-step playthrough of the entire Mass Effect trilogy with all main missions and secrets unlocked. The protagonist, John Shepard, starts as a soldier in the first part and becomes a vanguard in the sequels. The profile is set as “Spacer” and “War Hero,” with a “Hero” reputation. A romance with Liara is established. All loyalty missions are successfully completed in Mass Effect 2, and both Mordin and Thane survived the respective loyalty missions. Numerous side quests and DLCs are fully explored, and various mods have been used to enhance the experience.

Description: This save game offers you a 100% playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy, including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. Dive into the thrilling world of Commander Shepard and witness the consequences of your decisions shaping the galaxy’s fate. John Shepard’s journey begins as a soldier, and his legacy as a vanguard continues throughout the trilogy. Enjoy the romantic storyline with Liara and experience the emotional rollercoaster of loyalty missions and character interactions. The save game includes all major DLCs, and various mods have been utilized to enhance gameplay and visuals.

Installation: To utilize this save game, simply copy the folders from the provided zip archive to the following directory:

C:\Users”Your_User_Name”\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Save\

File Name:

File Size: 851.17 KB

Download Link:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What version of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition is this save game compatible with?

This save game is compatible with the latest version of Mass Effect Legendary Edition available at the time of the save’s creation.

Can I customize the protagonist in this save game?

Absolutely! While this save game features the default protagonist, John Shepard, you can customize his appearance, name, and background in-game to make the journey your own.

Are there any specific mods required to use this save game?

Yes, to fully replicate the experience, the save game utilizes several mods listed in the description. Ensure you have these mods installed for the most immersive adventure.

Will my decisions from the previous games impact the story in Mass Effect 3?

Yes! Mass Effect is renowned for its interconnected storytelling, and your decisions throughout the trilogy will have significant consequences in the final installment.

Is the save game compatible with other DLCs or mods not mentioned in the description?

While the save game includes numerous major DLCs, compatibility with additional mods or DLCs not mentioned cannot be guaranteed. Exercise caution and make sure they do not conflict with the provided save.

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