Maneater: Save Files for 100% Collectibles

There’s only one of each items remaining, close to each another.


Links and Locations

Back up your own save files first!
1) They can be found at:
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Maneater\Saved\SaveGames2) Download my files from
3) Disable Steam Cloud sync!

4) Move file _76561197993246947_maneater_save_0.sav into your folder, rename it to your long number (move away the original first), and start the game.Other files are just back up copies, you shouldn’t need them.

What you can get from the save

Deep Sea Explorer
Find all nutrient caches
Garbage Collector
Find all license plates
Find all landmarks
Fan Fare
Eat all the Questers
Queen of the Ocean
Reach 100% objective completion in all regions
Science Experiment
Acquire 100% of available evolutions

Where you should be looking for them

The cache, license plate and landmark are next to each other.

The last quester is where my player’s marker on (black triangle). There’s a drowned boat with some torpedoes around.

Collect, consume all of the above and you’ll also earn the last evolution body part and 100% in all regions. Success?!

By Lord Of War

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