Lulu & Ennoi Sacred Suit Girls Savefile: True Ending, Happy Ending, All CG

Lulu & Ennoi – Sacred Suit Girls is a turn-based roleplaying game developed by Mango Party. here is the save game to download and install, which will let you unlock the true ending, happy ending, and all CG without grinding.

Uploaded in February 2023 | Steam Version


Lulu & Ennoi Sacred Suit Girls Savefile [PC]

Uploaded by: JJ [Steam Community]

Platform: PC


  • savefile 8: true ending (※Don’t skip credit)
  • savefile 9: Lulu happy ending
  • savefile 10: Ennoi happy ending

Save File Location:

  • Appdata → LocalLow → SmallSqurriel Co_, Ltd → Lulu & Ennoi → Sacred Suit Girls


  1. Download the .ss1 file (playerdata.ss1) and put it into the save file location above.
  2. Then start the game.

File Size: 2 KB

Download Link:

Note: If the link is broken, please let us know, and we will modify it.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where are the Maps and Events?

Map 2 – Goblin Slaying

If you don’t rescue Ennoi, she gets perv+10.

Map 3 – Succubus’ Request

Ennoi – Miko 1 (perv+10, west side of city)
Lulu – Bunny 1 (perv+10, east side of city)
Ennoi – Dancer 1 (perv+10, southeast side of city, appears after completing Miko 1 & Bunny 1)

leads to either map 4 or 5

Map 4 – Ennoi’s Message

Ennoi – Nun 1 (perv+10, automatically obtained at start)
Lulu – Saint 2 (perv+30, southwest side of map)
Lulu – Bunny 2 (perv+20, southeast side of map)
Visiting beast town: Ennoi perv+10

leads to map 7

Map 5 – Lulu’s Message

Lulu – Pet 1 (perv+10, automatically obtained at start)
Lulu – Pet 2 (perv+20, visiting beast town)
Ennoi – Dancer 2 (perv+20, southeast side of map)

leads to map 6 or 7

Map 6 – Oracle Tower

Ennoi – Nun 2 (perv+20, northwest side of map)
Ennoi – Miko 2 (perv+20, southwest side of map)

Map 7 – Great War

Lulu – Bunny 3 (perv+30, southeast side of map)
Lulu – Wedding 1 (perv+10, hidden succubus village in western forest)
Ennoi – Bard 2 (perv+20, hidden succubus village in western forest)

Map 8 – Northern Rescue

Ennoi – Dancer 3 (perv+30, northeast side of map)
Lulu – Wedding 2 (perv+20, slightly northeast of start)

If Bunny 3 and Dancer 3, map 10 becomes available (requires new game+)

Map 9 – Final Push

Lulu – Saint 3 (perv+40, church close to start)
Lulu bad ending – Pet 3
Ennoi bad ending – Nun 3

Map 10 – Demon King

Ennoi – Miko 3 (perv+30, southeast of map)
Lulu good ending – Wedding 3
Ennoi good ending – Bard 3

This list credit to Mihir

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