Jalopy: Save File for “It’s a Classic” Achievement

“It’s a Classic” may be the hardest achievement. here we will share a save file for those who have trouble getting this achievement.


Jalopy: “It’s a Classic” Achievement Save [Steam]

Author: MIGUEL


Well, I’ll be brief and direct, this achievement is a pain, I managed to do it with the free fall bug, it still took me a couple of hours, just before achieving it I made a copy of my saved game for those who don’t want to spend 2 hours in it. free fall like me, I don’t know if my save file will work for you but it’s better to try than never having done it, right?

How to Install:

You must copy the folder that I will leave you and paste it in the following link


Then just drive at maximum speed until you complete the achievement, the odometer will not advance if you do not go at the maximum speed of what the engine can go

File Size: 19 MB

Download Link (Google Drive):


For more save files to get the specific achievement, you can read these guides:

More Saves:

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