Into the Nightmare 100% Save: Full CG, Full Monster Notebook Unlocked

Simple save file edit
Full CG, Full monster notebook unlocked save file


Save Game

This saves unlocked full CG, cleared all main/side/post game content. Monster notebook is fully unlocked. Not all item is created/crafted, however all the unique materials required to create those item is collected.

This save is on hard difficulty, you can change it using laptop in your room.


This website allow you to modify your save files. Make a backup incase any thing went wrong

  1. Upload your save file to money section, and type in the money you want.
  2. Edit, Download, Replace your save file.


  1. Upload your save file to Item/Weapon/Armor, and select category you want
  2. Edit Item/Weapon/Armor,by their ID, Max quantity 99
  3. Some useful item/armor ID
    • (Item) White Slime, ID = 49, Permanent All Stats Up
    • (Item) Star Fluid, ID = 73, Full Heal entire team
    • (Item) Hourglass, ID = 66, Revive entire team
    • (Armor) Red Moon Spirit, ID 461, All Stats Up 20
    • (Armor) Evil Relic, ID 580, All Attributes Resistance Up 2 Tier, Null Bad Status
  4. Download, Replace your save file.

By zzzj

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