Goblin Layer: Save Files for V0.44.7

Here is a save file for version 0.44.7.

Uploaded in November 2023


Goblin Layer Save Game [V0.44.7]

Author: Elos


If this save file does not work for you, please start the game and make a save, then put the saves into the save folder.


Download the Save file and unrar them into the save file location:

  • [gameĀ folder]/www/save

File Size: 695 KB

Download Link:


About the Game:

Goblin Layer is a man with serious goblin fetish, a man on a mission: To wipe out every goblin nest!
After saving/traumatizing a Priestess in distress, you arrive in a frontier town… where all the men have all mysteriously gone missing, and all the women are becoming increasingly horny. And things escalate from there!

Will our helmet-wearing protagonist ever be able to form normal human relationships with the thirsty townswomen, or will he lose himself to thicc goblin girls? These are the questions we must ask ourselves, as the protagonist embarks on a philosophical journey of self-overcoming, encountering various characters that mirror his own eternal recurrence, as he confronts his goblin obsession, the absurdity of his life and asserts his will to power.

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