Fallout Shelter: Save Game for A Good Start

When you’re facing difficulties at the beginning of the game, why not take a look at this save file? The missions haven’t started yet, but everything you need is already available. It allows you to experience the game in the most relaxed and efficient way possible. Get ready for a smooth journey and enjoy the game to the fullest!

Uploaded in May 2023


Fallout Shelter Save: Everything is Top-notch [PC]

Author: illusion2020

OS: Windows



  • Saving is for the lazy.
  • Removed resources and caps.
  • Everything else is top-notch.
  • The bunker is built to the maximum.
  • Residents pumped to the maximum.
  • The vault contains the best legendary items and animals.
  • Quests have not started yet. The very beginning of the game.
  • Nothing unique has yet been discovered.
  • It remains only to play for your pleasure and enjoy the game to the maximum.


Unzip and drop the save to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\FalloutShelter

File Size: 6.85 MB

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