Fallen Hero: Rebirth – Saves for Achievement Hunting in Retribution

Best possible combinations of variables and stats so you can just import the save(s) when achievement hunting in Retribution instead of having to make a new one each time for a specific variable or stat combination.



This is to be used with my Fallen Hero: Retribution achievement guide. The guide will give you choices to follow to have specific variables and stats that are needed in my Retribution guide so you don’t have to constantly be restarting and making new saves.

I was having a hard time with writing the achievement guide for Retribution because the whole point of my “with Specific Choices” achievement guides is to make things simple. But the thing is, there are a lot of branches in Retribution.

Some people might already have the saves for a specific route, but might end up having to make a new one because I only put one path in the guide.

So I decided to solve it by just making a guide for making saves, so I can just say “okay, for this achievement, you need to import Save #1”, etc.

You only need to make three saves. It doesn’t take that long to do, don’t worry. If there’s a lot of achievements that you’re planning to use my guide for, then follow this guide first please. If there’s only a few achievement you have left, check the guide first, maybe it won’t be necessary for you to follow this one.

Shameless Plugs:


SAVE #1 [32]

16. [Unmasking]
21. [Nasty] [HIDDEN]
22. [Watch Your Step] [HIDDEN]
32. [Ace of Spades]
33. [Overreach]
37. [Snip Snip] [HIDDEN]
42. [Helping Hands] [HIDDEN]
44. [Bullseye] [HIDDEN]
45. [Tangled] [HIDDEN]
47. [Somebody’s Watching Me] [HIDDEN]
48. [Pure as Snow]
49. [Rifts]
59. [Careless]
61. [Sightseeing]
63. [Pound of Flesh]
64. [Impulsive]
65. [Face-to-Face]
68. [Trust]
69. [Coming Clean]
70. [Shelf Space]
72. [The Top Floor]
74. [Accessible]
75. [Helping Out]
77. [Past Crimes]
78. [Family Business] [HIDDEN]
82. [Gone Soft]
84. [Healing]
85. [Rancher]
86. [Sanctuary]
87. [Faith] [HIDDEN]
92. [Kidnapper]
93. [Origin]

SAVE #2 [14]

12. [Paint It Black] [HIDDEN]
13. [Red Moon Rising] [HIDDEN]
14. […don’t…] [HIDDEN]
17. [Regrets]
27. [Cat on a Hot Tin Roof] [HIDDEN]
46. [That’s a Moray] [HIDDEN]
50. [Monster]
58. [GPS]
66. [No Blindfold]
80. [Infamous]
81. [Vicious]
88. [Backstabbed] [HIDDEN]
90. [Kidnapped] [HIDDEN]
94. [Haunted] [HIDDEN]

SAVE #3 [4]

41. [Facedown] [HIDDEN]
62. [Punching above Your Weight]
79. [Sneaky]
92. [Henchman]

Save #1

Chapter 01

  • I take a moment to catch my breath and make sure nothing is broken.
  • I try to keep myself safe.
  • I am cleverer than she; I run her body, but trap her mind.
  • I try for my best Argent impersonation.
  • I lure him close and wait for an opening.
  • No time for petty vengeance.
  • Reluctantly, I start loosening my tethers to Lady Argent’s mind.
  • This is too important; I will go and collect it myself. It’s been years since I was in the paper, and I wore a mask back then.
  • I pause to listen in and look at the devastation like everybody else.
  • I will telepathically encourage him to remember this slight.
  • I can’t believe I got away with this.
  • I do not want to register as a hero.
  • …who would have my back in a fight.
  • …we could almost be friends—if I had dared to let anyone get that close.
  • I’m good with tech; I recognize the design of that gun…
  • I’m a better tactician than I am a fighter, but…
  • Ortega should attack on ${his} own while I stay safely hidden, distracting the targeting array so ${he} won’t get shot.
  • …I feel uneasy about this course of action.
  • I hate the loss of my telepathy.
  • …almost become friends.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] …pretty much the same as in my own body.
  • …this is just business.

Chapter 02

  • Bringing in the Special Directive risks shining the spotlight on me.
  • No time to lose; I disarm him before he can pull the trigger.
  • No. I’m curious about what this is.
  • I look away. I don’t need to see more bodies.
  • “I bet whatever’s doing this is at the top.”
  • I am waiting for them at a distance. It is safer that way.
  • He probably won’t risk his position to attack a lone henchman.
  • I keep my head down, trying to present a small target as I crawl.
  • $!{swear}. I’ll make sure ${hhe}’s alright.
  • I like ${hench_name}; I don’t want to lose ${hhim}.
  • Unless I help them…lead them…
  • It will be a good way to get an in with the WolfPack for future use.
  • …look at me now! They never saw my potential.
  • I have allies: that will make all the difference.
  • The bullets worked—I need a gun!
  • I fire a shot through his eye to be sure.
  • “I need help, and you’re conscripted.”
  • I tell the truth: I am after Psychopathor’s cannon.
  • I stay low to the ground.
  • I hope I’m ready for this because there’s no turning back now.
  • I’ll let ${hench_name} deal with this.
  • I hate seeing myself so helpless. How could I have been this careless?
  • …looking away.
  • …aikido.
  • …try to talk myself out of it.
  • I tell the truth.
  • I want the best.
  • “I would be delighted to.”

Chapter 03

  • …embezzle the rich.
  • …I couldn’t see any other way.
  • …are glad they don’t have a telepath.
  • …this is the town where I can find everything I need.
  • This can’t be a coincidence….
  • Maybe just a fraction of it.
  • A nervous lump—I just want ${him} to stop asking.
  • I didn’t want to risk involving you in my problems.
  • Yes, I am still a telepath.
  • …amused. I can’t help but tease ${him} a little about ${his} ‘friend.’
  • Is ${he} sure ${his} friend is okay with this?
  • …sad.
  • “I am retired and out of the hero business!”
  • “Hello Chen, it’s been a while.”
  • “It’s that bad then, huh?”
  • “Ortega exaggerates a lot.”
  • I think you mean ‘there.’ I’ve never been here before.”
  • “I’m fine. Chen was just walking me to the door.”
  • Yes, I really thought of Ortega as a friend.
  • Still, I miss those days.

Chapter 04

  • I reach for the door, pushing it open—I know I must stop this.
  • No. I’m stronger than this, I won’t risk letting it in.
  • I keep moving to handle the threat, protecting my mind as best I can.
  • I draw on my conviction that I’ll get through this, like I always do.
  • I slowly raise the gun towards my mouth.
  • My body needs sleep, but I can still get things done with my puppet.
  • Myself, because I was a naive idiot in the past.
  • “I work too much….”
  • “Sure, if you feel like you’re up to it.”
  • I’ll see what shape ${he}’s in, and whether ${he}’s got more mods.

Chapter 05

  • …enhanced speed and jump jets.
  • …telepathic boosters.
  • …terrifying, like a monstrous creature from beyond.
  • I keep it safe and focus on business.
  • “Fine, add the cape.”
  • “Yes, I’d love to.”
  • …interested. I’m sure Dr. Mortum has a reason for this excursion, but what?
  • I’ll just ignore the growing commotion and keep talking with Dr. Mortum.
  • I need to show the world the truth.
  • Robbing the gala will give me the funds I need.

Chapter 06

  • “I’ll try to help her if I can.”
  • I joke a little to try to ease the tension.
  • I do my best to make her feel at ease.
  • I dive deep, trying to cut out what needs to be gone and insert a new alternative.
  • I will head straight to my goal, no detours. It’s not worth the risk.
  • Tired concern.
  • I hug ${him} first.

Chapter 07

  • I’ve manipulated him as gently as I can.
  • I need to try out how the suit works.
  • I have to be careful not to go overboard. I can’t afford to be cocky.
  • I’ll play it safe, destroying a wrench to test how easily they are controlled.
  • “I’ve been sick.”
  • I’ll keep it brief and to the point.
  • I get angry and snap at Ortega.
  • I tell Ortega to stop mothering me.
  • I am indeed—time to get out of here.
  • I look back one final time.
  • I keep thinking I’m $!{name}, rather than ${puppet_name}, which makes talking a bit risky.
  • I’ll play nice for now.
  • I’ll play nice.
  • No date—I am doing this on my own.
  • I’ll keep things friendly, maybe meeting up now and then.

Chapter 08

  • …at times like this, I love being ${puppet_name}.
  • I prefer to be alone, so I find a secluded spot.
  • Of course. I never wanted any of this.
  • “Why?” I ask quietly. I can’t help but be a bit curious.
  • I suppress a shiver. I don’t look forward to finding out.
  • This isn’t good. The reporter has heard too much.
  • “What do you make of that?”
  • “Is it about Marshal Steel attacking a teammate?”
  • “Maybe you should look into Ortega as well.”
  • I admit to training with Ortega, hoping she might remember me as a useful contact.
  • Hesitant—after this, there is no turning back.
  • I have made sure to minimize the risk of casualties.
  • If ${puppet_name} gets injured, it makes ${phim} less likely to be a suspect.

Chapter 09

  • I blow up the van as I leave—got to make an entrance.
  • I’ll try not to harm anyone too badly.
  • I’ll trigger their paranoia and make them attack each other.
  • I play into their fear, making them flee the building.
  • I fill the bag fast, no time to waste. I want to get everything.
  • I won’t tell him who I am—let the papers make up a name.
  • Last time, I didn’t have telepathic powers that were this strong.
  • No time to waste—I’ll just knock him out.
  • I rely on speed—I should be faster than ${him}.
  • I’m the one ${he} should pay attention to.
  • I’d better be cautious—don’t want to risk moving in too fast.
  • I hate doing this, but ${he} needs to go down.
  • I need to end this fast.
  • I wait for my moment.
  • I wanted ${him} to stop me.
  • I will hurry up in order to get out of here fast.
  • I am fast and know where I am going. I should be able to outrun her.

Chapter 10

  • I let ${name} go to sleep, getting back into ${puppet_name}’s body to reclaim ${phim}.
  • Despite the possible complications, I am happy to see ${him} there.
  • I want to get signed out quickly and go home.
  • Did I do enough to keep people safe?
  • Knowing won’t change what happened. I can wait until the morning.
  • Watch the news as ${puppet_name}.

Save #1 Results


Strength of Mind: 70%
Subtle Manipulations: 84%

Armored Suit

Suit Enhancements: suit_speed, suit_telepathy
Suit Appearance: suit_terrifying

Psychological Profile

Infamy: 55%
Arrogance: 10%
Ruthlessness: 14%
Daring: 9%

Allies and Enemies

Sidestep’s relationship with Ortega: old friend, 86%
Sidestep’s relationship with Lady Argent: neutral, 43%
Sidestep’s relationship with Marshal Steel: former ally, 49%
Sidestep’s relationship with Herald: distant, 20%

Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Ortega: enemy
Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Lady Argent: cheater
Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Herald: humiliated

The Puppet’s relationship with Ortega: friend, 54%
The Puppet’s relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend, 47%
The Puppet’s relationship with the henchman: friend
The Puppet’s relationship with Mia Ochoa: source, 56%

Other Hidden Variables

Leadership: 68%
Sidestep Reputation: 20
Heartbreak: window
Heartbreak Scar: hungry

Ortega Clue: 5
Lady Argent Clue: 0
Marshal Steel Clue: 10
Dr. Mortum Clue: 0
Special Directive Clue: 5

Motivation: Justice
Wealth: wealthy

Puppet Individuality: 0
Puppet Skill: Aikido

Joshua: anti-rangers
Rangers’ Reputation: 45

Save #2 (Part 1)

Chapter 01

  • I shake my head vigorously. This is no time for memories.
  • I focus on protecting the box with my own body.
  • My will is strong enough to control her; I will not allow myself to fail.
  • I try for my best Argent impersonation.
  • I let him attack and wait for an opening.
  • There is always room for one more kick.
  • And yet, I can’t quite resist lingering inside her brain.
  • What do I care? It’s not even my body.
  • This is too important; I will go and collect it myself. It’s been years since I was in the paper, and I wore a mask back then.
  • I pause to listen in and look at the devastation like everybody else.
  • I will telepathically encourage him to remember this slight.
  • I will show them all what I am capable of.
  • I do not want to register as a hero.
  • …who would have my back in a fight.
  • …our fighting styles mesh very well together; we’re a formidable team.
  • I know a lot of people, and I have information from my contacts….
  • I’m a better fighter than I am a tactician, but…
  • I risk myself to draw his fire, and Ortega can wait until ${he} has a chance for a clean attack.
  • …I wish I could have told them who I was.
  • I hate the loss of my telepathy.
  • …almost become friends.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] …pretty much the same as in my own body.
  • …this is just business.

Chapter 02

  • This plan has too many moving parts for my liking.
  • No time to lose; I disarm him before he can pull the trigger.
  • No. I can handle it.
  • I take a closer look. There might be clues here.
  • “I bet whatever’s doing this is at the top.”
  • I have hidden myself as close to my target as I dare.
  • He probably won’t risk his position to attack a lone henchman.
  • I run as fast as I can, pretending to be a henchman heading to the fight.
  • ${hench_name} might come in handy; I’ll give ${hhim} a hand.
  • Unless I help them…lead them…
  • It will be a good way to get an in with the WolfPack for future use.
  • …look at me now! They never saw my potential.
  • I have allies: that will make all the difference.
  • The bullets worked—I need a gun!
  • I fire a shot through his eye to be sure.
  • “I need help, and you’re conscripted.”
  • I tell the truth: I am after Psychopathor’s cannon.
  • I stay low to the ground.
  • $!{swear}, I’ve missed being in on the action!
  • I’ll let ${hench_name} deal with this.
  • It’s not the first time. I’ll get these injuries sewn up quickly and efficiently.
  • …looking on in fascination.
  • …aikido.
  • …make a move for the gun.
  • Hand the gun back to ${mhim}.
  • I want the best.
  • “I would be delighted to.”

Chapter 03

  • …embezzle the rich.
  • …I wanted to see if I could possess her.
  • …look forward to teaching them a lesson personally.
  • …this is the only home I’ve known.
  • $!{he} looks older than I remember.
  • Maybe just a fraction of it.
  • A lump of regret—I wish I could have handled things differently.
  • I didn’t want to risk involving you in my problems.
  • Yes, I am still a telepath.
  • …amused. I can’t help but tease ${him} a little about ${his} ‘friend.’
  • “Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
  • …awkward.
  • “I just didn’t expect it to have anything to do with the Rangers.”
  • “Hello Chen, it’s been a while.”
  • “It’s that bad then, huh?”
  • “I’m flattered.”
  • “It’s not about being comfortable. It’s about being retired.”
  • “I’m fine. Chen was just walking me to the door.”
  • Yes, I really thought of Ortega as a friend.
  • I got too comfortable, and stopped hiding.

Chapter 04

  • I try to call out to Ortega, but my mouth won’t make sounds.
  • Yes. If I want to understand what this is, I need to embrace it.
  • (i need to wake up now)
  • (no please run i can’t stop i don’t want to stop)
  • My body needs sleep, but I can still get things done with my puppet.
  • Myself, because I was a naive idiot in the past.
  • …discourage it.
  • “I work too much….”
  • “Sure, if you feel like you’re up to it.”
  • Flirting with danger is what I do best.

Chapter 05

  • …enhanced speed and jump jets.
  • …an exoskeleton, for strength.
  • …terrifying, like a monstrous creature from beyond.
  • Is ${mhe} really interested in me? I steer the conversation towards the personal.
  • “Fine, add the cape.”
  • “Yes, I’d love to.”
  • …interested. I’m sure Dr. Mortum has a reason for this excursion, but what?
  • I’ll just ignore the growing commotion and keep talking with Dr. Mortum.
  • I need to show the world the truth.
  • Destroying the museum building will strike fear into everyone.

Save #2 (Part 2)

Chapter 06

  • “I’ll try to help her if I can.”
  • I joke a little to try to ease the tension.
  • I do my best to make her feel at ease.
  • I try to stay aloft, keeping a light touch as I repaint her memories.
  • I’ll make some preparations for the next time I have to fight her.
  • Tired concern.
  • I hug ${him} first.

Chapter 07

  • I’ve brainwashed him until he follows my every command.
  • I feel amazing. I need to check out how I look.
  • I love feeling this powerful—I can’t wait to punch someone.
  • The important thing is whether they are truly neutered. Can they target living creatures?
  • Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?
  • “I’ve been busy.”
  • I’ll keep it brief and to the point.
  • I get angry and snap at Ortega.
  • I tell Ortega to stop mothering me.
  • I am indeed—time to get out of here.
  • I look back one final time.
  • I am used to having a different body when training with ${him}, so my timing is off.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] I’ll teach her to pay attention, even if I have to cheat.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] I’ll teach ${him} not to let ${his} guard down, even if I have to cheat.
  • I’ll play nice.
  • No date—I am doing this on my own.
  • I’ll keep things friendly, maybe meeting up now and then.

Chapter 08

  • …at times like this, I love being ${puppet_name}.
  • I prefer to be alone, so I find a secluded spot.
  • No. Whatever I become, at least I’m becoming someone.
  • “Why?” I ask quietly. I can’t help but be a bit curious.
  • I smile. I can’t wait to fight her.
  • It’s fine—${name} is a common name. No reason for anything to come of this.
  • “What do you make of that?”
  • “Is it about Marshal Steel attacking a teammate?”
  • “Maybe you should look into Ortega as well.”
  • I admit to training with Ortega, hoping she might remember me as a useful contact.
  • Excited—I can’t wait to finally unveil myself.
  • I want maximum damage—people don’t matter.
  • I will make sure ${puppet_name} is safe and outside of the building.

Chapter 09

  • I blow up the van as I leave—got to make an entrance.
  • I want to see blood—if someone gets killed, it’s no skin off my back.
  • I will shut them down hard with a telepathic command.
  • I play into their fear, making them cower before me.
  • I don’t care—they all deserve to die anyway.
  • No, stick to the plan. Time for the bomb Dr. Mortum supplied.
  • Not long; if I get caught in the explosion, my armor should protect me.
  • Time to reveal the new identity I have chosen for myself.
  • No, I am named something else….
  • Type and enter (no parentheses) “Sidestep”.
  • I am!
  • He’s a hero, and I’m not. I’ll use that against him.
  • I will tell him exactly why he failed first.
  • I rely on speed—I should be faster than ${him}.
  • That annoys me. I’ll threaten the reporters.
  • No—it is too risky. I’ll keep this as an ace in the hole.
  • I launch into an angry monologue about that, true villain style.
  • …act bombastic!
  • I can’t draw this fight out—it’s all or nothing.
  • I wanted ${him} to stay out of this.
  • I’ll shut up and try to keep up.
  • Push her in so I can be sure.

Chapter 10

  • I let ${name} go to sleep, getting back into ${puppet_name}’s body to reclaim ${phim}.
  • I will call a nurse and ask what has happened.
  • It doesn’t work—I just want to get this over and done with.
  • I won. That is all that matters.
  • I need to know right now—there’s no way can I sleep.
  • Watch the news as ${puppet_name}.

Save #2 Results


Strength of Mind: 78%
Subtle Manipulations: 68%

Armored Suit

Suit Enhancements: suit_speed, suit_strength
Suit Appearance: suit_terrifying

Psychological Profile

Infamy: 73%
Arrogance: 73%
Ruthlessness: 80%
Daring: 86%

Allies and Enemies

Sidestep’s relationship with Ortega: old friend, 88%
Sidestep’s relationship with Lady Argent:: neutral, 27%
Sidestep’s relationship with Marshal Steel: former ally, 49%
Sidestep’s relationship with Herald: distant, 20%

Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Ortega: nemesis
Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Lady Argent: impressed
Villain Sidestep’s relationship with Herald: humiliated

The Puppet’s relationship with Ortega: friend, 52%
The Puppet’s relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend, 52%
The Puppet’s relationship with the henchman: friend
The Puppet’s relationship with Mia Ochoa: source, 56%

Other Hidden Variables

Leadership: 68%
Sidestep Reputation: 20
Heartbreak: window
Heartbreak Scar: outside
Motivation: justice
Wealth: comfortable
kill: true
massacre: true

Ortega Clue: 15
Lady Argent Clue: 10
Marshal Steel Clue: 10
Dr. Mortum Clue: 0
Special Directive Clue: 5

Puppet Individuality: 0
Puppet Skill: Aikido

Joshua: anti-rangers
Rangers’ Reputation: 45

Save #3

Chapter 01

  • I will find a suitable puppet and have them collect it for me. That way, nobody will recognize me at the scene.
  • I will stay silent and see how this plays out.
  • …who would have my back in a fight.
  • …our fighting styles mesh very well together; we’re a formidable team.
  • I’m good with tech; I recognize the design of that gun…
  • …almost become friends.
  • This is just business.

Chapter 02

  • …boxing.
  • …make a move for the gun.
  • I keep the gun aimed at Dr. Mortum’s face.
  • “We will see….”

Chapter 03

  • No, not anymore.
  • I keep denying I have powers.
  • You never let it get that far.

Chapter 04

  • …discourage it.
  • “I work too much….”
  • “Sure, if you feel like you’re up to it.”
  • I miss ${him}. Even if it’s not real, maybe we can be friends again.

Chapter 05

  • …enhanced speed and jump jets.
  • …an exoskeleton, for strength.
  • I keep it safe and focus on business.
  • “No, let’s keep this purely professional.”
  • Robbing the gala will give me the funds I need.

Chapter 07

  • I am used to having a different body when training with ${him}, so my timing is off.
  • I can’t help it. I’ll tease ${him} a little.
  • No date—I am doing this on my own.
  • I’ll keep things friendly, maybe meeting up now and then.

Chapter 08

  • I prefer to be alone, so I find a secluded spot.
  • I have made sure to minimize the risk of casualties.
  • If ${puppet_name} gets injured, it makes ${phim} less likely to be a suspect.

Chapter 09

  • I’ll try not to harm anyone too badly.
  • They’re just people. I can beat them up easily enough.
  • I play into their fear, making them flee the building.
  • I fill the bag fast, no time to waste. I want to get everything.
  • I’ve brought down tougher people than him in a fair fight back when I was Sidestep.
  • No time to waste—I’ll just knock him out.
  • I rely on speed—I should be faster than ${him}.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] No—it is too risky. I’ll keep this as an ace in the hole.
  • [Choose this option if it shows up.] I need to end this fast.
  • This is taking too much time—let’s end this fast.

Chapter 10

  • I let ${name} go to sleep, getting back into ${puppet_name}’s body to reclaim ${phim}.
  • I will catch my breath, then sneak out of the hospital.

Save #3 Results

Unlike save #1 and save #2, the stats on this one doesn’t matter that much. It’s the variables that we need.

kill: false
known_telepath: false
handgun: true
massacre: false
puppetskill: boxing
told_ortega_telepath: false
puppetortega_relationship: friend

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