Defenestration: Save Collection Before Any Lewd Scene

Here is a save collection created by _BlackgoldsaW_ for Defenestration.


Defenestration Save Collection Before Any Lewd Scene [V0.499]

Uploaded by: _BlackgoldsaW_

OS: Windows/Mac

Save File Location:

  • Defenestration/www/save


As the game progress, the save collection will be updated!

  • Cheat V1
  • Cheat V2
  • No Cheat

File Size: 2.78 MB

Download Link:


How to Transfer the Save Files From the Old Version to the New One?

Go into www\save folder of the version from which you want to import the save, copy your save(s) and paste it/them in the www\save of the new version.

More Saves:

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