The game save is at 100%. In this save, all 76 orders from “Career”, 19 orders from “Add-on 4×4”, and 17 orders from “Add-on 1/4 mile” are completed. I have honestly completed these orders in 35 hours of game time, and the “Endless” game mode is fully unlocked. And now you can play this mode unhindered.
Installation instructions
- Step 1: Download my save folder

- Step 2: You can get to this folder manually, either copy this address and paste it into the address field of the Explorer, or use the key combination “Win” + “R” and paste this path to the folder, it will automatically guide you to it. Don’t forget to enter your PC username where I have labeled above.
- Step 3: Go to the folder where the game saves are located – C:\Users\[pc username]\AppData\LocalLow\Red Dot Games\
The second option of the way – %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Red Dot Games\Car Mechanic Simulator\
- Step 4: From the archive, move my save to this folder. If you have previously created such a folder, when loading my folder, Windows will prompt you to auto-substitute the file, do so.
- Step 5: Start the game and enjoy the fully passed game and open “Endless” mode.
If you have any questions, reach out in the comments, I’ll be sure to answer and help!
By Zedd