Car For Sale Simulator 2023 Day 53 Save: $1,630,000 and Porsche Owned

Welcome to Car For Sale Simulator 2023, an exciting indie simulation game where you can buy, repair, and sell vehicles to build your own car dealership empire. In this article, we will introduce a save game that puts you on Day 53 of the game, with a substantial amount of money and a luxurious Porsche in your possession. If you’re looking to jumpstart your car-selling journey and experience the thrill of owning high-end vehicles, this save game is perfect for you.

Uploaded in June 2023

Car For Sale Simulator 2023 Save Game: Day 53, $1,630,000 and Porsche Owned [0.1.6+]

Author: bandanakals


Save Game Description:

This save game places you on Day 53 of the game, with your office upgraded to level 2. You will have a whopping $1,630,000 in your account and own a Porsche that was purchased for $130,000. This provides you with a significant advantage, allowing you to explore the game’s features and mechanics without worrying about financial constraints. With the ability to start your business with a luxurious car, you’ll attract more customers and expand your dealership faster.

File Size: 2.19 KB

Download Link (MEGA)

How to Use the Save Game

To use the save game, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the save game file using the provided link.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive.
  3. Navigate to the following path on your computer: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Red Axe Games\Car For Sale Simulator 2023\Data
  4. Note: Replace YOUR_USERNAME with your actual Windows username.
  5. Copy the extracted files into the above directory, replacing any existing files if prompted.
  6. Launch Car For Sale Simulator 2023 and load the saved game.
  7. Enjoy playing with all the benefits of the Day 53 save, abundant funds, and a luxurious Porsche at your disposal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I use this save game with a different version of Car For Sale Simulator 2023?

A: This save game is specifically designed for version 0.1.6 or later. Compatibility with other versions is not guaranteed, and using it with an incompatible version may result in unexpected issues.

Q2: Will using this save game affect my progress or achievements?

A: Yes, loading this save game will override your current progress. Make sure to back up your existing save files if you wish to switch back to your previous game state.

Q3: How can I make the most of this save game?

A: With a substantial amount of money and a Porsche in your possession, you have a head start in the car selling business. Use your funds wisely to expand your dealership, purchase more vehicles, and attract a larger customer base. Remember to repair and clean vehicles to increase their value and make profitable sales.

Q4: Can I modify the save game or transfer it to another device?

A: Modifying save games is not recommended, as it may result in compatibility issues or unintended consequences. Additionally, save game files are typically tied to the device or user account and may not be transferable to other devices or platforms.



We hope this save game enhances your Car For Sale Simulator 2023 experience and brings you closer to achieving your car dealership dreams. Get behind the wheel of your Porsche and embark on a thrilling journey in the world of car sales. Happy selling!

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Happy gaming!

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