Big Brother Another Story Rebuild Latest Save: Updated for V0.01.00

Here are the save files for the latest version from V0.07-V0.09. if you lost your own savegame, you can download and use it for free. enjoy the game.

Uploaded in March 2023 | New Version 0.01.00


Big Brother Another Story Rebuild Latest Save for PC

Last save files in all three paths(v0.07.00 P1)

Author: Lukumoide

  1. ​Enmity
  2. Friendship
  3. Friendship
  4. pretending to be a friend


Last save files in all three paths (v0.07.P2.00)

Without getting caught by Eric
Author: Black Panther.
  1. Hostility
  2. Fake Friendship
  3. True Friendship
  4. persistent file



Last save files in all three paths(v0.08.07)

Author: Lukumoide
  1. Hostility
  2. Fake Friendship
  3. True Friendship
  4. persistent file


Last save files in (v0.09.01.x)

Author: Lukumoide
  1. Hostility
  2. True Friendship
  3. Fake Friendship
  4. persistent file



How to Use the Save Files?

Don’t unzip it. The Savegame is a zip file.
Savegames go to the directors ./game/saves in your BiBoAs-directory.

They have a specific naming pattern however, on of the numbers says on which page the savegame is to be displayed.
Best is to start a game, create a savegame and replace the file.

If you are using Windows, there is a second save game location (I never understood why, several games do it like this ).
copy/paste this line
explorer %appdata%/Roaming/RenPy/BB_AS

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