Antonball Deluxe Save File Locations (PC & Steam Deck)

Welcome to our guide on Antonball Deluxe, the action-packed, retro-inspired game developed and published by Summitsphere. In this guide, we will provide you with the save file locations for various platforms, allowing you to easily locate and manage your game progress. Whether you’re playing on PC, Steam Deck, Mac, Android, iOS, or Linux, we’ve got you covered!


Save File Locations:

  • PC (Windows):
    • Save File Location: C:\Users[CURRENT USER HERE]\AppData\Local\Antonball_Deluxe\antonball_save_data.sav
  • Steam Deck:
    • Save File Location: Home.local\share\Steam\steamapps\compatdata\1382320\pfx\drive_c\users\steamuser\AppData\Local\Antonball_Deluxe

Please note that while we have provided the general save file locations, it’s important to remember that individual system configurations may lead to slight variations. However, the provided locations should serve as a starting point for locating your save files.


Frequently Asked Questions about Save Games:

Will changing Proton versions on Steam Deck affect my save file?

It is important to note that changing Proton versions on Steam Deck may or may not wipe your save file. To be on the safe side, we recommend backing up your save file before making any changes. Better safe than sorry!

Is there cloud save support for Antonball Deluxe?

Unfortunately, Antonball Deluxe does not currently support cloud saves. However, we hope that the developers at Summitsphere will consider adding this feature in the future to provide players with more convenience and peace of mind.

Are there any specific instructions for managing save files on mobile platforms (Android, iOS)?

Antonball Deluxe does not have direct access to save files on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. The game relies on the respective platform’s save management systems, such as Google Play Games for Android or iCloud for iOS. Please make sure you are logged in to your account to ensure seamless save synchronization.

Final Words:

Knowing the save file locations can be essential for various reasons, including sharing your game progress with others or editing your saves using external tools. Additionally, having a backup of your save files is crucial, especially when making system or game-related changes that could potentially affect your progress.

As Antonball Deluxe continues to captivate players with its unique blend of brick-breaking and platforming gameplay, we encourage you to explore every facet of the game and unleash your inner ballbusting hero. And to the developers at Summitsphere, we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming release, Antonblast!

Happy gaming and may your ball-bouncing adventures in Antonball Deluxe be filled with excitement and triumph!

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