ANOTHER EDEN: How to Transfer Your Save Files from Moble to Steam

Hello, fellow players. I’ve encountered challenges when transferring my game progress from my mobile device to Steam, and I believe I’ve found a potential workaround to the re-download problem. To initiate this process, follow these steps:



On your main drive, unlock hidden files.
Navigate to the Users folder and locate your computer’s name. Open it and find the ‘AppData’ folder.
Inside ‘AppData,’ you should find a folder named ‘Another Eden.’ Copy this folder.

When transferring the data from Steam to your mobile device, delete the original ‘Another Eden’ folder. When you’re ready to transfer the data back to Steam:

1. Open Another Eden on Steam.
2. Log in to your account when prompted.
3. Instead of downloading, close the program.
4. Navigate to the ‘AppData’ folder, delete the newly created ‘Another Eden’ folder, and replace it with your backup.

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