Anna Exciting Affection: V0.98 Saves (Sandbox and VN)

Since the old save files below before 0.98 will not work, here is a new save game for V0.98, allowing you to start the game with all screens unlocked at the beginning of the update 0.98.

Uploaded in June 2023


Anna Exciting Affection V0.98 Save Files [PC]

Author: SonsOLiberty

OS: Windows/Mac/Android

About the Game:

You will be playing the role of “Anna” and making decisions in her life as she will discover herself through the journey. There will be a main storyline with different outcomes depending on your choices and many side quests.

Save Description:

Here are the save files if anyone still needs them, has both Sandbox and VN.

Will update the VN when it gets updated.

File Size: 652.6KB / 1MB

Download Link:


How to Replace Your Save Game?

  1. Start your game (version V0.98+).
  2. Go www -> Save folder and delete what’s in it, (if you already have save files, we recommend you to backup your save files)
  3. Open Game, Start new game, read first 2 text lines, close game
  4. Copy your saves and everything in the save folder downloaded from our website.
  5. Open your game and paste everything into the new save folder (if it doesn’t have a save folder in your game, just create one and paste everything into it) , open game click continue.. your saves should be working now, at least with me it worked

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